The random witterings of Jonathan Morris, writer.

Wednesday 7 October 2009


Time for another Doctor Who merchandise plug. What, did you think a month would pass without there being a plug for some Jonny Morris-authored peice of Doctor Who merchandise? Well, if you did you thought wrong.

This time it’s the all-new Doctor Who Magazine graphic novel, in which four – yes, four – of my comic strips are reprinted. I realise that technically that my previous sentence didn’t contain the correct usage of the term ‘all-new’ but let’s not get bogged down in factual accuracy. What’s important is that the graphic novel is glorious and a bargain at whatever discounted price amazon are selling it for. You also, as a bonus to my stories – Sun Screen, Death To The Doctor!, The Immortal Emperor and The Time Of My Life, get five other stories – The Woman Who Sold The World, Bus Stop!, The First, Universal Monsters, and The Widow’s Curse (which is excellent).

The main reason why I haven’t blogged behind-the-scenes for those stories is because this graphic novel also includes a bumper commentary section, in which, and I copy and paste, ‘the writers, artists and editors reveal the stories behind the strips, featuring never-before-published sketches, unused and deleted scenes, original story outlines and more!’.

How can you survive without it? How have any of us managed to live up until now without it? All those questions and more will be used in a desperate rhetorical attempt to get you to go out and buy the thing. I don’t get royalties, it’s just that I’m incredibly proud of these stories and would love for even more people to enjoy them, in the form of a large paperback with top-quality glossy paper.

You see that empty space on your shelf, over there, just above the pot plant? That’s where this book should go.