Anyway. News. One of the things I’ve been working on over
the past couple of months has been Doctor
Who: The Monster Vault. It is, I
can say without fear of exaggeration, going to be amazing. Yes, there have been
Doctor Who monster books before – all
the way back to Terrance Dicks’ first one, back in 1975, which was probably
responsible for me becoming a Doctor Who fan
– so the whole raison d’être has been
to make this one different, exceptional, and the best one ever.
Nearer the time I’ll write about how I went about
researching the various entries for the monsters but, of course, if you know me
you’ll know that I never leave any stone unturned in terms of finding out new
facts and in coming up with mad new theories that fit all the facts we are told
on screen.
I promise you, you will laugh. You will be amazed. You will
doubt for my sanity.
The illustrations are also – oh, I can hardly wait for you
to see them. Everyone is joyous and a thrill. This book will warm the
hearts of any Doctor Who fan. It
will, I hope, be their go-to cheer-up book, just as The Doctor Who Monster Book was for me, all those years ago.
It’s out on the 22nd October. You can pre-order it here.
In other news, I’m sure you haven’t forgotten to pick up the
latest edition of Doctor Who Magazine
with the latest instalment of The Blogs
of Doom. I’ve done 32 now! And they hoped it wouldn’t last!