Back at my parents’ house, at the bottom of a cupboard, are four A4-sized exercise books, one red, one blue, one yellow, one green. Back in 1987, when I was 13 years old, I filled those books with ideas for Doctor Who stories. Not in prose, but as Doctor Who Magazine archive-style synopses and scripts, all featuring the then-current line-up of the 7th Doctor and Mel.
I didn’t stop writing Doctor Who stories, but at some point after I’d filled up the exercise books my dad got a word processor, an Amstrad PCW9512 (which had many wonderful features, including letting you close documents without saving them). And it was on this word processor that my writing continued. But alas those stories were saved to discs that have long-since been lost.
So far I haven’t had to resort to looking through the four A4-sized exercise books for ideas; most of the stories are pretty devoid of any originality, and are basically exercises in working out how to structure a plot. One or two are quite fun, though, and may yet see the light of day. Possibly forming the basis of an excellent Big Finish Lost Stories box set.
The titles of the stories should give you a general idea of the subject matter. They consist of the following:
Amusement World
Circling Time
Death On Arbamsta
The Bellatrix Confederation
The Burning Plague
The Burning Thieves
Cathedral Of Mutants
The Clockwork Butler
Conflict On Thuso
The Dawn Of The Black Sun
The Deimos Incident
The Deszidius Conflict
Dive To Trow
The Exterminators
The Flamers Of Time
Fortune's Gatherings
Harvester's Return
The Hibernators
The House Of Fear
Kingdom Of Durarbi
Madradach Landing
The Mind Harvest
New Earth
Nihus Thirty-Six
Out Of Death
The Possessed
The Price Of Rescue
The Relics Of Helmur
Return Of The Madness
Revenge Of The Daleks
The Spartans
Spirits Of The Sand
Voyage To Destruction
World Of Deception
Zooks And Flizzy