Went for a big run yesterday. It releases stress, and trapped wind, it gets me out of the house, and gradually I’ll lose weight and my legs will become rock-hard. That’s the goal. Thighs of steel.
And so, for only the second time ever, I jogged to Woolwich along the north side of the Thames, via Greenwich, the Isle of Dogs, and so on. It was easier the second time; first time round, I was trying to stay close to the river which resulted in lots of wrong turns and backtracking. Still, I found lots of locations used in Spooks. The bridge over the Royal Victoria Dock offers great views. All the new housing estates around there look just like the one from Dr Who And The Fear Her.
So it was easier going, even though I had no water – there don’t seem to be any drinking fountains at Barrier Park, which is crappy. Since I last ran the DLR branch through the area has been closed/shifted north, meaning lots of ghost stations where the track has already become overgrown.
Also en the route I passed the Millennium Mills, which I was surprised to see still standing as I’d assumed it would be the very first thing knocked down to make way for the Olympics. It’s featured in almost every episode of Ashes To Ashes. ‘Oh no, there’s been a break-in at the Rubik Cube factory – quick, stick some Japan on the stereo and let’s knock some ‘eds together!’
Also en the route is the British International Teleport. Yes, I know what you’re thinking, ‘like out of Star Trek?’. It’s full of giant radar dishes and in the park outside there are hundreds of white rabbits. Meanwhile inside, Commander Radnor and Miss Kelly are hard at work...